The kids discovered a sheet of tattoos(leftover from Isaiah's birthday)a couple of days ago. They all wanted them on, so I thought, "Why not?". At lunch time they renamed all our food to fit with the monster theme.
Our Menu: Bat Burgers (sloppy joes) Bug Sauce (apple sauce) Pickles (frog skin) Cheetos (fried fingers) Bug Juice (juice)
We started out the morning by going out to breakfast. Micah is trying to hold up 3 fingers. An older couple, that Randy knows, came into the restaurant while we were there and the guy gave Micah a dollar before they left. Micah was speechless.
When we got home, we let Micah open his presents. Instead of saying, "Thank you", when people told him, "Happy Birthday", he would say, "Happy Birthday" back to them. We spent the rest of the morning at the park, playing with friends.
Randy's family came over for supper and cake and our neighbors joined us when they got home. Micah's cake is a baseball hat(in case you can't tell), with an M on the front and a 3 on the back.
I set the coffee shop up outside for the kids on Tuesday. It was kind of windy and the awning kept blowing off the poles. We brought out some toy dishes, fruit snacks and grapes. The kids took turns being the worker and the customers.
Last week I went to Bemidji to help my sister-in-law with a scrapbook album. My brother was in charge of all the kids. They had a lot of fun, but of course had to fall apart on me on the way home. Micah and Olivia fell asleep right away(Glory!)and Isaiah was watching a movie. As soon as the movie was over, Isaiah decided he was starving and just couldn't go on. His crying woke up Micah, who also started crying because the movie was over. Olivia woke up and was yelling at them to stop crying. I really wanted to ram the van into a tree or something, but I refrained from doing so.
We got some bunk beds for the boys' room a couple of weeks ago. No more cribs after 6 1/2 years...kind of a strange, but nice feeling.
Micah fell over a truck that he was pushing in the alley behind our house.
Last weekend we went to my sister's to watch her kids perform in Seussical the Musical. It was a lot of fun! Isaiah got to see it twice and also heard Kenzie and Susi practicing some of the songs on our last visit. He's been singing part of one of the songs all week. Olivia has started to join him.
A couple of funny things from a while ago. We found a bug downstairs and Micah flushed it down the toilet. As the toilet was flushing, he said, "He likes it in the toilet. If another bug comes, I'm going to put him in the toilet and give him a shower with my pee."
I hate spiders, so I have a jar downstairs that I put over spiders when I find them and Randy takes care of them later. I was downstairs on the computer and the kids were playing in the toy room. Olivia came out and grabbed the jar and said, "I need this. There's a daddy long neck in there."
Isaiah and Olivia were talking about how many kids they wanted to have when they grow up. Olivia said, "I have a feeling it's going to hurt when they cut my stomach off to get the baby."
Yesterday the kids were planning to go fishing with Randy and Grandpa. It was pretty windy out and Isaiah asked, "Do you think anything will bite?" Micah piped up and said, "Oh, I don't want to catch a bite fish!"